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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions regarding master land use plans, we are here to help. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions, which covers topics such as the purpose of a land use plan, how it is developed, and how it is implemented. We believe that a clear understanding of the process is critical to the success of any planning endeavor, and we encourage you to reach out to us for further information.

  • What is the master use plan?
    The master use plan is a land use and infrastructure plan that sets forth local goals, objectives, and policies for community growth and/or redevelopment over the next 20-30 years. The current Wilson County Gateway Land Use Master Plan was adopted by the Wilson County Planning Commission in 2006. It focused on eight (8) gateways into the county and identified the most appropriate development patterns at each gateway.
  • What will the plan do?
    The plan is a countywide initiative to engage residents and others in a conversation about future growth. It will: · Guide land development decisions and infrastructure investments. · Identify suitable areas for residential, commercial, agriculture, and industrial development. · Identify areas that should be preserved and conserved.
  • Why is the plan being updated now?
    Since 2010, over 280 people have been added to the county every month, representing a 30% increase in population. By 2045, over 250,000 people are expected to live in the county, necessitating an updated plan to accommodate this growth.
  • What is the process to update the Wilson County Master Plan?
    The process to update the Wilson County Master Plan consists of three phases: · Phase 1 – Vision and Expectations: Listening to the public and stakeholders to gather input · Phase 2 – Exploring 'What If' Scenarios: Brainstorming potential future land use options · Phase 3 – Setting Strategy: Identifying recommendations to help set policy and guide future development decisions
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